A Look into Ancient Greece’s Pedagogical Practices

Education has come a long way from the ancient Greek era, where students were taught under olive trees with minimal resources. From then on, education became an essential part of society and has undergone countless changes as time passed.  Today we can observe how far it had evolved through technology, innovative teaching methods, and modern Read More …

Why Extra-Curricular Activities Should Be a Priority for Every Student

Are you tired of the same old routine every day? Do you feel like your academic life is taking over your entire existence? If so, it might be time to start prioritizing extra-curricular activities. They provide a refreshing break from mundane schoolwork and offer numerous benefits that can enhance your personal and academic growth. In Read More …

How to Make the Best of Being a University Student

Being a university student is a wonderful experience. You get to explore your interests, learn about the world, and make some good friends. And it’s a great opportunity to learn valuable life skills. But, being a student can be very stressful. Many students are unhappy and frustrated with their financial situation, grades, and classes. These Read More …

Practical Tips on Applying to Graduate School

Attending graduate school can help students or professionals accomplish their career goals and may even be necessary for some fields. Applying to grad school does have similarities to the undergraduate application process. Consider things such as writing personal statements and filling out relevant applications. Are you one of those people embarking on your grad school Read More …

How School Leaders Can Boost Students’ Sense of Belonging

During the past decade, a great deal of research has been conducted to understand the effect that the school environment has on students’ academic achievement and the overall school climate. These studies have demonstrated that the school environment has a significant influence on students’ sense of belonging to the school community. A growing body of Read More …